Editable Training Materials That Save You Time
Pay Once. Use as Often as You Want.
You have the right to customise, edit, add and modify our soft skills courseware as you desire. You can even put your own logo on it.
Designed to have the highest training impact
Designed to save you time
Use the training materials and print the workbook as often as you want with no further costs.
Packed with detailed notes to help you deliver high-impact courses with facilitation training techniques to maximise retention
Designed specifically for interactive face-to-face training
Receive complete source files in Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel
Order online and download in seconds
Designed with the latest features of MS Office. Backward and forward compatible with MS Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and Office 365.

Buy any Combination and SAVE
Simply add the desired training materials to the shopping cart and the discount will be applied automatically

Our products are used by some of the best organisations in the world

Editable Training Materials Are an Investment

Free Training Resources
Download a free comprehensive training package including training guidelines, soft skills training activities, assessment forms and useful training resources that you can use to enhance your courses.
About Skills Converged
We are passionate about training methodologies and design. Our mission Is to support you and save you time.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when I order training resources?
What does each training course material include?
Can I use the course material in my own slides and workbooks?