training materials workbooks

How It Works

Buy Several Training Materials and Save on the Total Price

Training materials discount rates

Simply add the desired training materials to the shopping cart and the discount will be applied automatically

STEP 1: Browse

Learn about our training materials

Browse the collection of our training materials: Product Catalogue


STEP 2: Choose

Review the syllabus and course contents to see which courses fit your needs the most.

Popular use cases are:

  • Extending course portfolio 
  • Setting up training agency
  • Updating current courses with fresh content 
  • Meeting local demand with new training courses 
  • Learning how course material is designed and put together

You can subscribe to the mailing list to download sample courses and get updates on new products and services. 


STEP 3: Add

Add the training materials to the shopping cart.

You don't need to have an account, but you will be given an opportunity to register. This is useful if you want to keep a record of all your orders under your account and have a faster checkout in the future, 


STEP 4: Save Money

Review how much you can save. Discounts are applied automatically based on how many products you are buying. See discount details on this page.


STEP 5: Buy

Complete the online checkout. You can pay by credit card, debit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Shop Pay and direct bank to bank by invoice.


STEP 6: Download

Expect to receive emails with download instructions.


STEP 7: Study

Follow the comprehensive guidelines provided in the training materials to familiarise yourself with the course. See what's included.


STEP 8: Edit

Modify and tailor the course based on your needs.


STEP 9: Rehearse

Practice rehearsing the course to prepare for delivery.


STEP 10: Train

Enrol in our train the trainer online course.

Read the in-depth train the trainer articles.

See our best selling train the trainer books.


STEP 11: Deliver & Earn

Deliver a high-impact training course with long lasting results.


STEP 12: Evaluate

Monitor and evaluate your performance using feedback forms and trainer guidelines.


STEP 13: Enhance

Review our extensive range of free training resources to enhance your courses based on your needs.

Have a question? We are here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our customer support is available online and by phone.We will get back to you within 24h.