Questioning Exercise: Open and Closed Questions

Questioning Exercise: Open and Closed Questions

This activity helps delegates understand the difference between open and closed questions. It is a rather simple exercise however if executed well it can lead to a profound insight. Those people wh...

Customer Service Exercise: Praise and Criticism Letters

Customer Service Exercise: Praise and Criticism Letters

This is an engaging exercise for those who work in marketing, sales or customer services. It allows them to see their organisation from the customer’s point of view. They can then use this knowledg...

Perception Exercise: What Am I Holding?

Perception Exercise: What Am I Holding?

This activity highlights individual’s ability to recognise objects by hearing their visual characteristics and illustrates the importance of perception and attention to detail in gathering informat...

Communication Skills Exercise: Repeat After Me

Communication Skills Exercise: Repeat After Me

This effective exercise helps the delegates to understand how critical it is to listen before they talk in conversations. Most people simply talk from their own point of view and pay little attenti...

Communication Exercise: Chinese Whisper

Communication Exercise: Chinese Whisper

This exercise highlights the importance of confirming the information we receive from either our colleagues or clients. This activity is designed for groups of at least 8 delegates or more.

Open Versus Closed Questions Exercise

Open Versus Closed Questions Exercise

Asking the right types of questions to get the right kinds of answers is a critical skill everyone must master. This is not always easy since you need to balance between wanting to get more specifi...