Leadership Exercise: Follow My Instructions
This is a powerful team building activity that brings out the potential qualities of a good leader. It is a fairly physical exercise and you may need to brief the participants beforehand so they ca...

Giving Feedback Exercise: Improve Your Self-Awareness
This is a simple exercise that anyone can use to measure his self-awareness. Simply think about answering a series of questions and through that become more aware of how you feel and how others fee...

Team Building Exercise: Three Wishes to Change
Sometimes you wish you could change something in your job, the organisation you work for or your work environment. However, sometimes you may not feel comfortable to voice your concern or the chang...

Motivation Exercise: Look Back From the Future
Being a good person or a leader requires a good vision, persistence, definite plans and an ability to reflect on your current state so you can see what you need to do next to get there. This exerci...

Leadership Skills Exercise: How Controlling Are You?
Some leaders seem to be too controlling. They want to exert their power and position on others to get them do what they want. On the other hand, some leaders seem to understand others and are much ...

Acting Exercise: Act Like an Actor
This is a useful exercise in acting. Use this exercise to help people adopt certain roles or learn how to imitate target behaviours. Acting and understanding how an ideal role feels like can help d...

Leadership Skills Exercise: Help Others to Increase Their Self-Esteem
Purpose A leader’s performance is defined by how he or she leads others. For others to follow a leader, it is critical for them to know that they are valued. The sense of significance and knowing t...

Emotional Intelligence Exercise: How Admirable Are You?
Self-awareness and self-motivation are critical competencies within emotional intelligence. Everyone must actively take steps to become better in these areas. A great way to achieve this is by syst...

Communication Skills Exercise: Fold and Cut
The powerful exercise illustrates the importance of giving meaningful instructions to others and expecting feedback for correct execution of those instructions. The activity is fun to do but indire...

In this exercise, delegates will learn how to use futures wheel to perform a structured brainstorming to predict the future of a specific topic or systematically capture the effect of various futur...

Problem Solving Exercise: Analogies
In this exercises delegates learn to use analogies to find novel solutions to problems. Specific analogies are examined and mapped to a problem domain for inspiration of similar unique solutions.

Problem Solving Exercise: Word Change
This activity encourages solution generation by looking at the problem from a different prospective. By changing the way we describe a problem we can come up with ideas to fix it. This exercise wor...

Team Building Exercise: Annoying Colleagues
This is an eye opening exercise which works best with a group of delegates who normally work together or are about to work together as a team. The activity increases individual’s awareness about ho...

Communication Skills: Multiplayer Puzzle
The problem presented in this activity encourages a better understanding of the effect of team work in problem solving. Although looking manageable individually at first, participants soon realise ...

Team Building Exercise: Open Day
The aim of this fun activity is to encourage team work while demonstrating the importance of leadership, creativity and communication within a successful team.

Communication Exercise: Communication Barriers
Avoiding communication barriers is a necessity in today’s business world. Not only it is critical to identify if these barriers exist, but also how to remove them or reduce their effect. This activ...

Management Exercise: The Boss From Hell!
This is a fun exercise to be used in team leading courses, project management courses or even communication skills training. This activity helps delegate to gain a better understanding of unhelpful...

A team, according to Katz Enbach, is a small group of people with complementary skills, committed to a common purpose and a set of specific performance goals. As a team leader you are likely to inh...