Envy Self-Reflection Exercise

Envy Self-Reflection Exercise

It is easy to think that a different life would have been easier or better. It is easy to think that somebody else’s life is vastly better than yours and to fantasise being in someone else’s positi...

Fortunately - Unfortunately

Fortunately - Unfortunately

This classic game was popularised in 80s. It is fun to play and helps to generate a lot of positives and negatives for a given topic. Delegates go through a series of statements that start with ‘fo...

Decision Making Exercise: Ups and Downs

Decision Making Exercise: Ups and Downs

This activity encourages delegates to think back to their personal experiences in life and share some of their important decisions with their team mates.

Communication Skills Exercise: Good News, Bad News

Communication Skills Exercise: Good News, Bad News

This exercise helps the delegates to look at both positive and negative aspects of everything in their environment. It is an energizing activity which sets two groups against each other who need to...