The Seven Techniques of Learning to Learn

The Seven Techniques of Learning to Learn

Learning should not be as hard as you think. There is a method to the art and just like any skill, learning to learn needs practice and mastery. It is much like speed reading. If you know how to re...

Six Proven Techniques to Boost Your Mental Powers

Six Proven Techniques to Boost Your Mental Powers

As a successful trainer, you must be able to perform at your best every time you provide a training course. Your aim is not only to teach a given subject to delegates, but to also entertain them an...

How to Increase Commitment After Delivering a Training Course

How to Increase Commitment After Delivering a Training Course

During a training course several topics are often covered. Each of these topics leads to a number of actions that will help improve delegates’ behaviour or skills in the future. However, many of th...

How to Avoid Bad Reflective Questions

How to Avoid Bad Reflective Questions

Some questions are meant to increase our awareness about where we are and encourage us to learn from our experience. However, the way a question is formulated can make a huge difference in what you...

How to Become a Master Trainer by Learning from Master Gamers

How to Become a Master Trainer by Learning from Master Gamers

Imagine delivering a training course to delegates who are half sleep. Is there any point in carrying on? Sure enough, you still get paid for the current session; but surely that’s not your only aim...

Clock Buddies: Find Your Number 7 Partner

Clock Buddies: Find Your Number 7 Partner

Suppose you want to pair up your delegates. The usual way is that you just give a simple instruction such as “partner with the person on your left”. What if in another exercise you want to pair the...