Team Building Exercise: Call My Bluff

Team Building Exercise: Call My Bluff

This exercise works best in a group of people who don’t know each other very well, people from different branches of a company or organisation or those involved in different projects. This is a fun...

I’ll Show You My Full Colours

I’ll Show You My Full Colours

The aim of this activity is to increase a person’s awareness of how they see themselves. The idea is to explain the effect of one’s self perception on their confidence level and how they are percei...

Icebreaker: How Strange!

Icebreaker: How Strange!

This is an entertaining exercise that gives the delegates a chance to relax and to interact with each other. This is an ideal ice breaker if you want to start the day with a laugh!

The World Is a Wonderful Place

The World Is a Wonderful Place

This exercise is a good opening ice breaker that creates a good feeling in the delegates. Most delegates have busy life styles and when they come to a training session, they may be fatigued or stre...

How to Write a Speech to Get Maximum Results

How to Write a Speech to Get Maximum Results

If there is one thing less appealing than giving a public talk is giving a bad one. If you haven’t prepared your speech don’t have high expectations. Experience shows that giving a speech without p...

Secrets of Effective Leadership

Secrets of Effective Leadership

What makes an outstanding leader? Why are some leaders listened to and followed religiously while others even with greater ideas and better visions don’t succeed in leading? “Effective leadership i...