The 5-Minute Learning Sprint for Memory and Focus

The 5-Minute Learning Sprint for Memory and Focus

This exercise aims to improve delegates’ ability to quickly absorb and retain information while helping them discover which learning and memory strategies work best for them.

Six-Word Stories: A Creative Writing Exercise

Six-Word Stories: A Creative Writing Exercise

This exercise is designed to cultivate delegates’ creativity, emotional intelligence, and reflective thinking through the challenge of expressing experiences, emotions, or insights in just six word...

Personal Impact Exercise: Make a Perfect Pitch

Personal Impact Exercise: Make a Perfect Pitch

In our competitive world, we need to present ourselves as best as we can to stand out from the crowd. Suppose someone asks you what you do? What would you say? Suppose you have about 30 seconds to ...

Concentration Exercise: Focused Article Reading

Concentration Exercise: Focused Article Reading

These days we read a lot. As the content consumption has gone up, our attention span seems to be going down. We might pay less attention to what we read, get less of it in and forget it quickly. In...

Writing Skills

Writing Skills

Purpose This series of exercises help the delegates to practice writing by observing and improving a variety of different sources. The list is intended as a starting point so you can get ideas ab...

Don't Say the Forbidden Words

Don't Say the Forbidden Words

This is an exercise in describing objects so that delegates can improve their communication skills. It’s all too easy to use jargon and assume that everyone knows what you mean. However, you may ne...