Storytelling Exercise: Form a Line

Storytelling Exercise: Form a Line

This is a creativity exercise that encourages delegates to create a story together as a group. It is ideal for team building, acting and creativity. You can also modify the exercise to limit its sc...

Acting Exercise: Act For Your Group Until You Win

Acting Exercise: Act For Your Group Until You Win

This exercise helps participants to practice acting in front of a small audience. The ideal acting is one that conveys information as quickly and efficiently as possible. People need to think of id...

Acting Exercise: Act Out The Roles

Acting Exercise: Act Out The Roles

In this exercise, participants learn how to act or roleplay certain roles. Acting is a very useful skill. It can greatly help people to place themselves in position of others and learn to think lik...

Team Building Exercise: Adverts

Team Building Exercise: Adverts

This fun exercise aims to encourage team work and creativity within organisations. The delegates get to test their design skills and learn to communicate their ideas effectively to other team members.